Welcome to TARO's workspace for committees!
Texas Archival Resources Online (TARO) is in the process of self-assessment and redevelopment.
Members of the TARO community have volunteered their time to participate in this process.
Quick links to key documents:
Steering Committee charge: Evaluate the needs of TARO as they relate to updating the site, by assessing current best practices, researching peer institutions, conducting user assessments and planning appropriate next steps.
- Goals 2017:
- Continuing to plan for TARO site updates and future governance (based on 2016 NEH planning grant)
- Completing conversion of TARO legacy files from DTD compliance to schema-compliance (planned completion Feb 2017)
- Preparing grant applications for TARO implementation funding, expected submission dates in early 2018
- Long-term goals 2017-2019:
- Implementing TARO site updates and future governance (implementation of new platform, governance and more planned in 2016-2017)
2023 Steering Committee members:
Chair: Maristella Feustle, University of North Texas Libraries Music Library, Maristella.Feustle@unt.edu
Vice Chair: Matthew Richardson, Texas Medical Center Library, matt.richardson@library.tmc.edu
Secretary (2023-2024): Rachael Zipperer, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, rachael.zipperer@tpwd.texas.gov
At-Large Member (2023-2024, 2-year term): Molly Tepera, UT Dallas McDermott Library, molly.tepera@utdallas.edu
At-Large Member (2022-2023, 2-year term): Kristi Nedderman, Dallas Municipal Archives, kristi.nedderman@dallas.gov
At-large Member (2022-2023, 2-year term): Kathryn Slover, UTA Libraries Special Collections, kathryn.slover@uta.edu
UT Libraries Representative: Aaron Choate, UT Libraries, achoate@austin.utexas.edu
Immediate Past Chair: Samantha Dodd, Southern Methodist University
2023 TARO Subcommittee chairs / co-chairs:
Funding Subcommittee: Amy Bowman, Briscoe Center for American History, a.bowman@austin.utexas.edu
Governance Subcommittee: Amanda Focke, Rice University, afocke@rice.edu
NEH grant management: Aaron Choate, Amy Bowman, and Carla Alvarez
Outreach and Education Subcommittee: Robert Weaver, Texas Tech University, robert.g.weaver@ttu.edu
Standards Subcommittee: Molly Hults, Austin History Center, molly.hults@austintexas.gov; Matthew Richardson, Texas Medical Center Library, matt.richardson@library.tmc.edu
Summerlee QA Subcommittee: Robert Weaver, Texas Tech University, robert.g.weaver@ttu.edu
Website and Technology Subcommittee: Elizabeth Garza, Benson Latin American Collection, UT Austin, elizabeth.garza@austin.utexas.edu
Authorized Terms Subcommittee: Lisa Struthers, Chair (San Jacinto Museum of History, lstruthers@sanjacinto-museum.org)
Technical maintenance / TARO admin: UT Libraries, lib-taro@austin.utexas.edu
Steering Committee call schedule:
2023, every third Monday at 10am
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