The files needed to create TARO compliant EAD finding aids can be downloaded from this link.
The download includes:
TARO Best Practices Guidelines (updated August 2022) -- a pdf document describing EAD encoding guidelines for TARO compliance
ead.xsd -- rules file for EAD, so that an XML editor can check the XML for validity
xlink.xsd -- a buddy file for ead.xsd, relating to how links (URLs) are handled in the XML
schema2.xsl -- a TARO stylesheet to be used in the XML editor for HTML preview purposes
TARO2_EADSchemaTemplate.xml -- a blank template of EAD XML (useful for filling in to create new finding aids)
TARO2_EADSchemaTemplate.html -- html version of the .xml template
TARO2_EADExample_1.xml -- an example complete EAD XML file
TARO2_EADExample_2.xml -- an example complete EAD XML file
TARO2_EADExample_3.xml -- an example complete EAD XML file
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