
Standards welcome page

Page history last edited by Elliot Williams 2 years ago

Standards meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of the month at 3pm CT



To be decided after NEH Implementation Grant planning meetings in early 2020.


Past deadlines:

December 2018: Complete Tasks #1 through #4 (see details below)

December 1, 2017: submit deliverables to TARO Steering Committee

November 1, 2017: begin finalizing draft of deliverables for Charge #3 (summary and survey results of BPG assessment) and Charge #4 (summary of EAD3 report)

June 2, 2017: Submit response to TARO Index Terms Survey

May 19, 2017: Provide feedback to Carla on questions and design of TARO Index Terms Survey

May 15, 2017: Data normalization vs. Metadata Hopper comparison document, to submit to Steering Committee.



Welcome to the TARO Standards sub-committee!


Membership (as of June 2022)

Molly Hults, co-chair (Austin History Center, molly.hults@austintexas.gov

Matt Richardson, co-chair (Texas Medical Center Library, matt.richardson@library.tmc.edu)

Lisa Struthers (San Jacinto Museum of History, lstruthers@sanjacinto-museum.org)

Elliot Williams (Texas Digital Library, elliot.williams@austin.utexas.edu)

Susannah Broyles (Texas State, s_b623@txstate.edu)

Kristi Nedderman (Dallas Municipal Archives, kristi.nedderman@dallascityhall.com)

Natalie Idom (Texas Tech University, natalie.idom@ttu.edu)

Barrett Codieck (UT San Antonio, barrett.codieck@utsa.edu)



Tasks to complete in 2019 (pending other assignments to be announced):

  1. Provide TARO repositories with tips for encoding in EAD 2002 Schema to prepare files for easier conversion to EAD3 Schema, continuing our work to create a knowledge base of this information.
  2. Assist with Summerlee Foundation grant to convert legacy finding aids from new TARO repositories to EAD 2002 Schema using a vendor.
    1. Revise Word and XML/EAD templates (minimal and full versions) (Becky and Carla), with review and input from all members.
    2. Revise instructions for Word and XML/EAD templates (all members). 



Membership (as of July 2020)

Molly Hults, co-chair (Austin History Center, molly.hults@austintexas.gov, 512-974-7382) 

Julianna Barrera-Gomez, co-chair (UTSA Libraries Special Collections, julianna.barrera-gomez@utsa.edu, 210-458-7574)

Matt Richardson (Houston Metropolitan Research Center, matthew.richardson@houstontx.gov, 832-393-1663)

Christine Sharbrough (Dallas History & Archives Division, christine.sharbrough@dallascityhall.com, 214-670-1444)

Lisa Struthers (San Jacinto Museum of History, lstruthers@sanjacinto-museum.org, 281-479-2421)

Robert Weaver (Texas Tech University, Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, robert.g.weaver@ttu.edu, 806-834-5734)

Elliot Williams (University of Miami Libraries (based in Austin TX)), edwilliams@miami.edu)


Membership (as of October 2019):

Rebecca Romanchuk, co-chair (Texas State Library and Archives Commission, rromnchk@tsl.texas.gov, 512-475-1734)

Molly Hults, co-chair (Austin History Center, molly.hults@austintexas.gov, 512-974-7382) 

Julianna Barrera-Gomez (UTSA Libraries Special Collections, julianna.barrera-gomez@utsa.edu, 210-458-7574)

Matt Richardson (Houston Metropolitan Research Center, matthew.richardson@houstontx.gov, 832-393-1663)

Rebecca Russell (Rice University, Woodson Research Center), russellr@rice.edu, 713-348-5133)

Lisa Struthers (San Jacinto Museum of History, lstruthers@sanjacinto-museum.org, 281-479-2421)

Robert Weaver (Texas Tech University, Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, robert.g.weaver@ttu.edu, 806-834-5734)

Elliot Williams (University of Miami Libraries (based in Austin TX)), edwilliams@miami.edu)


Membership (as of August 2019):

Carla Alvarez, co-chair (UT Libraries-Benson Latin American Collection, c.alvarez@austin.utexas.edu, 512-495-4580)

Rebecca Romanchuk, co-chair (Texas State Library and Archives Commission, rromnchk@tsl.texas.gov, 512-475-1734)

Julianna Barrera-Gomez (UTSA Libraries Special Collections, julianna.barrera-gomez@utsa.edu, 210-458-7574)

Molly Hults (Austin History Center, molly.hults@austintexas.gov, 512-974-7382) 

Matt Richardson (Houston Metropolitan Research Center, matthew.richardson@houstontx.gov, 832-393-1663)

Rebecca Russell (Rice University, Woodson Research Center), russellr@rice.edu, 713-348-5133)

Lisa Struthers (San Jacinto Museum of History, lstruthers@sanjacinto-museum.org, 281-479-2421)

Robert Weaver (Texas Tech University, Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, robert.g.weaver@ttu.edu, 806-834-5734)

Elliot Williams (University of Miami Libraries (based in Austin TX)), edwilliams@miami.edu)


Tasks to complete by December 2018:

  1. Provide TARO repositories with tips for encoding in EAD 2002 Schema in ways that will prepare files for easier conversion to EAD3 Schema, with the goal of creating a knowledge base of this information. (Becky, Julianna, Lisa, Robert) 
  2. Investigate FAST subject headings. Work might include phone conferences with other consortia like Archives West and Chicago Collections Consortium to discuss their controlled vocabulary. (Becky, Molly, Robert)
  3. Assist with Summerlee Foundation grant to convert legacy finding aids from new TARO repositories to EAD 2002 Schema using a vendor. (on hold until grant is awarded, anticipated summer 2018) (Becky and Carla as leads)
    1. Create Word doc template for repositories to paste/key-in legacy finding aid data.
    2. Supervise the QA TARO Finding Aid Committee consisting of 10 volunteers from various TARO repositories (this work will be ongoing through the term of the grant, lasting 3 to 5 years).
      1. Phase I: Review Word finding aids for adherence to TARO standards.
      2. Phase II: Review XML files prepared by vendor.
  4. Test ArchivesSpace export of EAD 2002 data as EAD3, with help from TARO repositories using ArchivesSpace. Possible collaboration with Outreach & Education subcommittee. (Becky, Matt, and data Alston provided before retiring from Standards)




Charge (Bridge projects, March - December 2017):

1. Further analysis using OpenRefine of lists of TARO-wide controlled vocabulary that were created by the NEH planning grant capstone project. Could include making lists of approved terms for the most commonly used headings for each type of controlled vocabulary and posting these for TARO users. (This charge is on hiatus pending the TARO Steering Committee's investigation into the Metadata Hopper.)


2. Investigate FAST subject headings. Work might include phone conferences with other consortia like Archives West and Chicago Collections Consortium to discuss their controlled vocabulary. (This charge is on hiatus pending the TARO Steering Committee's investigation into the Metadata Hopper.)


3. Devise assessment for level of TARO repository adoption of Best Practices Guidelines. (Members assigned: Alston, Maristella, Lisa, Robert, Carla, Rebecca)

4. Review new EAD3 report (from July 2016) “Implementing EAD3: Search and Exploration” (webinar recording and slides available) and summarize findings for Steering Committee. One of the writers of the report is a PhD student at UT who may be available for consultation during a Standards or Steering Committee phone conference. (Members assigned: Cynthia, Julianna, Matt, Molly, Robert, Carla, Rebecca)

Membership (as of March 2017):

Carla Alvarez, co-chair (UT Libraries-Benson Latin American Collection, c.alvarez@austin.utexas.edu, 512-495-4580)

Rebecca Romanchuk, co-chair (Texas State Library and Archives Commission, rromanchuk@tsl.texas.gov, 512-475-1734)

Julianna M. Barrera-Gomez (University of Texas at San Antonio Libraries - Special Collections, julianna.barrera-gomez@utsa.edu, 210-458-7574)

Alston Cobourn (Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi - Special Collections and Archives, alston.cobourn@tamucc.edu, 361-825-2300)

Maristella Feustle (University of North Texas - Music Library (maristella.feustle@unt.edu, 940-369-7061) (resigned as of July 2018)

Cynthia Franco (Southern Methodist University – DeGolyer Library, cafranco@smu.edu, 214-768-3605) (resigned as of November 2017)

Molly Hults (Austin History Center, molly.hults@austintexas.gov, 512-974-7382) 

Matt Richardson (Houston Metropolitan Research Center, matthew.richardson@houstontx.gov, 832-393-1663)

Lisa Struthers (San Jacinto Museum of History, lstruthers@sanjacinto-museum.org, 281-479-2421)

Robert Weaver (Texas Tech University, Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, robert.g.weaver@ttu.edu, 806-834-5734)




Charge (NEH grant term, August 2015-September 2016):


Draft EAD Best Practices Guidelines (BPG) that comply with the newly released EAD3 schema (we will initially draft for EAD2002 schema) and second edition of Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS) rules. Work will draw heavily from existing documents from other EAD consortia, including Archives West (formerly NWDA) and Arizona Archives Online (these and other consortia BPGs are in our workgroup files). Consider how these consortia have handled repositories' use of different standards for controlled vocabulary (e.g., Library of Congress subject headings vs. Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus terms). BPG will include clear examples of correctly entered controlled access terms and use of controlled access tags (e.g., <persname>, <corpname>, <subject>). The group will discuss the possible role of broad thematic (e.g., Education, Arts and Humanities) and geographic (e.g., West Texas) browse terms that will provide easy entry points to TARO finding aids.




Carla Alvarez, co-chair (UT Libraries-Benson Latin American Collection, c.alvarez@austin.utexas.edu, 512-495-4580)

Rebecca Romanchuk, co-chair (Texas State Library and Archives Commission, rromanchuk@tsl.texas.gov, 512-475-1734)

Scott Carlson (Rice University – Fondren Library, scarlson@rice.edu, 713-348-3727)

Maristella Feustle (University of North Texas - Music Library (maristella.feustle@unt.edu, 940-369-7061)

Cynthia Franco (Southern Methodist University – DeGolyer Library, cafranco@smu.edu, 214-768-3605)

Molly Hults (Austin History Center, molly.hults@austintexas.gov, 512-974-7382) 

Benna Vaughan (Baylor University - Texas Collection (Benna_Vaughan@baylor.edu, 254-710-6031)

Jeffrey Warner (Rice University – Woodson Research Center, jw57@rice.edu, 434-249-4742)


Co-chair emeritus:

Donna Coates (UT Libraries-Alexander Architectural Archive, d.coates@austin.utexas.edu, 512-495-4625)


Charge (November 2014-April 2015): Compile and review best practices documents from other EAD consortia to review in preparation for drafting EAD Best Practices Guidelines for TARO.


Goals & Timeline: Identify EAD consortia best practices documents and develop a review document that compares them according to selected criteria relevant to TARO's needs. Complete the review document and narrative report by March 2015 for the steering committee co-chairs.


Co-chairs: Donna Coates (d.coates@austin.utexas.edu), Rebecca Romanchuk (rromanchuk@tsl.texas.gov)

Members: Laney Dwyer (Laney.Dwyer@houstontx.gov), Jeanette Sewell (Jeanette.Sewell@houstontx.gov), Jeff Warner (jeff.e.warner@gmail.com), Mike Miller, (mike.miller@austintexas.gov), Cynthia Franco (cafranco@smu.edu), Maristella Feustle (maristella.feustle@unt.edu), Billy Glasco (Billy.Glasco@houstontx.gov), Molly Hults (molly.hults@austintexas.gov)



Charge (February-September 2014): Explore and recommend standards and authorities to be used in the TARO environment going forward, such as for name authorities and topical, geographic and other kinds of subject headings, date formats, and others as needed. Discuss the issues related to any retroactive application of such standards / authorities. This committee will likely work closely with Technologies / Website committee.


Goals & Timeline: Compile a list of current and legacy standards and authorities in use by TARO repositories for name authorities and topical, geographic and other kinds of subject headings through a survey sent to repositories (several of the working groups will contribute to one survey) and report back to the steering committee in summer 2014.


Co-chairs: Donna Coates (d.coates@austin.utexas.edu), Rebecca Romanchuk (rromanchuk@tsl.texas.gov)

Members: Laney Dwyer (Laney.Dwyer@houstontx.gov), Jeanette Sewell (Jeanette.Sewell@houstontx.gov), Jeff Warner (jeff.e.warner@gmail.com), Mike Miller (mike.miller@austintexas.gov), Cynthia Franco (cafranco@smu.edu), Maristella Feustle (maristella.feustle@unt.edu), Billy Glasco (Billy.Glasco@houstontx.gov)


Survey questions under consideration

Add more questions and comment on any questions listed to suggest different wording or focus, or anything else that comes to mind.


1)What authorities do you use for <controlaccess> terms for personal names, corporate names, subjects, places, document types, titles, and functions?

LCNAF (Library of Congress Name Authority File)

LCSH (Library of Congress Subject Headings)

FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) - OCLC, for names and subjects

VIAF (Virtual International Authority File)

CONA (Cultural Objects Name Authority) - Getty Research Institute

AAT (Art and Architecture Thesaurus) for genres - Getty Research Institute



2)Do you use local authorities, and if so, how frequently?


3)If you create MARC records for collections, what rules or standards do you use?

AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition)

RDA (Resource Description and Access)

DACS (Describing Archives: A Content Standard)

GIHC (Graphic Materials: Rules for Describing Original Items and Historical Collections)
DCRMG (Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Graphics))



(3/14/2014, Rebecca Romanchuk) Any one else have suggestions for survey questions??



Rewrite of text for the TARO <ead> web page

The TARO steering committee co-chairs have asked that we provide some updated text for the <ead> web page, http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/admin/ead.html, one of the Administrative Pages on the TARO website. This web page was written quite some time ago and refers to EAD 1.0 as the current version of the standard, reflects the early stage of adoption of the EAD standard (which has evolved quite a bit in the over ten years that have passed), and describes XML as new on the horizon. All of this needs to be brought into a 2014 perspective. We also need to choose a different link for "EAD in the news" near the top of the page. Your contributions are requested and welcomed! (See separate page, "<ead> web page text", in the Standards folder.)


3/17/2014 update - our proposed edited text has been submitted and will appear on the <ead> web page soon.


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